Ринг Бедлингтон терьеров - Суббота 09.08.2014
Резервный эксперт по всем породам 3 группы: Revaz Khomasuridze, Россия
Бедлингтон терьер - Paul Stanton, Швеция
KENNEL: Tintavon I acquired my first dog in 1964 which was a Shetland Sheepdog called Tint. In 1969 I acquired my first Lhasa and have had them ever since and my first Tibetan Terrier was born in 1970. I owned or bred 10 UK Champions in the UK before moving to Sweden in 1977. We have owned or bred 10 Lhasa Apsos who have won All Breeds BIS but our most famous dog in Sweden was again a Tibetan Terrier, Int Nordic Ch BIS BISS Tintavon Desdemona who won Top Dog all breeds in Sweden, Finland and Nordic competitions in 1979. Whippets came into our house about twenty five years ago and we have added a new breed to our kennel, the Thai Bangkaew Dog (Group 5 Primitive Spitz Breed) and are the first to import this breed to Europe & we plan to import more & our first litter was born on the 11 December 2012. Due to many judging engagements breeding and showing was planned to be kept at a minimum but we still keep four dogs, one Lhasa, one Whippet and two Tibetan Terriers I awarded C.C.s in England in Lhasas and Tibetan Terriers before moving to Sweden where I continued my judging exams to become FCI All Rounder in 1996. I have now judged in well over 50 countries on all continents. I have had the honour to judge BIS in countries like France, Japan, Canada, New Zealand and Australia & The Scandinavian countries. My other hobbies are gardening where my passion is for Fuchsias and Brugmansias (angels’ trumpets). I am also very interested in Opera, ballet and culture in general. |
Финальные конкурсы 09.08.2014
FCI 3 Dan Ericsson, Швеция
KENNEL: Raglan |
FCI 5 Rainer Vuorinen
FCI 6 Paavo Mattila
FCI 10 Ramon Podesta
Best Brace Hiroshi Kamisato
Best Veteran Jose Luis Payro
Best Breeders Group Hans v d Berg, Нидерланды
KENNEL: Rymore When I was born, Popof a Scottish Terrier, stood guard at my cradle and even now I enjoy my 2 Scotties every second. Under the Rymore prefix I bred may champions and cc winners in Scotties, Norfolk Terriers and Chihuahuas. Judging started in 1978 and the first breed I gave tickets to was the Scottish Terrier. At the moment I am judging almost every weekend. I judged in almost every European country and numerous European Winner shows and World Winner shows. Judged in Asia, New Zealand, Africa, USA, Canada, Australia| and many South American countries. Judging Crufts was a great expierence and I am very much looking forward doing BIS in England for the fourth time! The breeds I am invited for at your FCI Word Show are very close to my heart and I am very much looking forward doing them! |
Финальные конкурсы 10.05.2014
FCI 1 Claudio de Giuliani
FCI 7 Damir Skok
FCI 9 Ann Ingram
Best Brace Nemanja Jovanovic
Best Veteran Leif-Herman Wilberg
Best Breeders Group Carla Molinari
Best In Show Hans Lehtinen, Финляндия
Kennel: Rivale Hans Lehtinen has bred Cocker Spaniels and Black Schnauzers, first Cocker Spaniel litter was born in 1950. Lehtinen was interested in Norwich Terriers already in the 1960’s when the breed was introduced to Finland. Through kennel “Rivale” he has influenced to the breeding of Norwiches. Lehtinen has been vice chairman and member of the board of the Finnish Toy Dog Association, Chairman of the Spaniel Club of Southern Finland and has acted in many different commissions of the Finnish Kennel Club. Lehtinen was qualified to judge as the youngest person all times in Finland, in 1953 and he is nowadays an all round judge. He has been judging all over the world and it is very hard to find free weekend many years forward. |