Выставочные классы в Великобритании
If an exhibit arrives late and misses a class, even if it is the only class in which the dog is entered, the
dog may not be transferred to any other class.
For dogs of eight and not exceeding fourteen calendar months of age on 6th March 2014.
For dogs of eight and not exceeding eighteen calendar months of age on 6th March 2014
For dogs of twelve and not exceeding twenty-four calendar months of age on 6th March 2014.
For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or three or more First Prizes at Open and Championship Shows
(Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted, whether restricted or not).
For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or three or more First Prizes at Championship Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed
For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or four or more First Prizes at Championship Shows in Graduate, Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, whether restricted or not, at Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed
For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or five or more First
Prizes at Championship Shows in Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, whether restricted or not, at Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed.
For dogs which have not become show Champions under Kennel Club Regulationsor under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club or won 5 or more FirstPrizes in all at Championship Shows in Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, confined to the breed, whether restricted or not, at Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed.
For dogs which have not become show Champions under Kennel Club Regulations or under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club or won 7 or more First Prizes in all at Championship Shows in Limit and Open classes, confined to the breed, whether restricted or not, at Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed.
For all dogs of the breed for which the class is provided and eligible for entry at the Show.
For dogs of not less than seven years of age on 6th March 2014.
For dogs which have won Awards, Diplomas of Merit or Certificates of Merit in actual competition at a Field Trial held under Kennel Club or Irish Kennel Club Field Trial Regulations.
For dogs which have achieved their Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bronze Award Certificate or above. Certificates should be available at the Show for inspection, if requested.